Saturday, 11 May 2013

Full-Time Students



All ITE students are required to pay their course fees and other fees for each term by the stipulated dates. The amount payable varies depending on the course taken.

 AY 2013 Training Fees for Full-time Higher Nitec and Nitec Courses for New Students 

Course LevelCategoryRegistration Fee
Fee Per Term (AY2013)
Total Per TermTotal per Academic Year
Course FeeSupplementary FeeExamination FeeGHIS
Higher NitecSingapore Citizen$5.00$  273.00$18.00$  9.60-$  300.60$    601.20
Permanent Resident$5.00$3,650.00$18.00$  9.60-$3,677.60$ 7,355.20
International Student$5.00$9,100.00$18.00$28.00$39.00$9,185.00$18,370.00
NitecSingapore Citizen$5.00$  155.00$14.00$  9.60-$  178.60$    357.20
Permanent Resident$5.00$2,075.00$14.00$  9.60-$2,098.60$ 4,197.20
International Student$5.00$5,175.00$14.00$28.00$39.00$5,256.00$10,512.00


1)  On-going PR and International Students admitted prior to AY2013 will also pay new fees but based on existing fee differentiation framework. They would be advised separately by their ITE Colleges.
2)  One term is 6 months.
3)  Registration Fee is a one-time payment.
4)  Fees are subject to revision.
5)  The fee rates are inclusive of GST or after GST subsidy.
6)  Students are required to pay their term fees for all terms by the stipulated dates in order to remain in their course of study. For subsequent terms, students are required to pay their fees through PSEA/GIRO.  It is compulsory for International Students to pay their subsequent term fees through GIRO.  
7)  Full-time International Students studying in ITE are required to purchase a Group Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance (GHSI). The purpose of the GHSI is to help defray the hospitalisation expenses for International Students in the event that they are hospitalised.
8)  Fees is charged based on Citizenship at the point of term commencement. Students who have officially informed ITE of their Citizenship change to Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident before the term commencement will have their fees adjusted to the Singapore Citizen / Permanent Resident rate for that term. However, for students who inform ITE officially of their Citizenship change to Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident after the term commencement, their fees will be adjusted to the Singapore Citizen / Permanent Resident rate only with effect from the next term.

Refund of Fees
The total fees paid may be refundable as follows:

Date of Application for Refund
Amount of Refund *
2 weeks or more before start of course/term
100% refund
Less than 2 weeks before start of course/term
50% refund
After start of course/term
No refund
* Refund is not an automatic process. Applicant must apply for refund before ITE will process the request.
For further information, please contact:

Customer & Visitor Centre
ITE Headquarters
Block A,  Level 2
2 Ang Mo Kio Drive
Singapore 567720
Tel:  1800 CALL ITE (1800 2255 483)
Fax:  6872 2534
Email: We shall reply to your email within two working days

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